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Scientific Reasons to Wear Nose Pins

Nose piercing holds a symbolic meaning among the Muslim, Indian and African cultures. It is gaining popularity in other areas of the world as well. It is a long followed custom in various places to wear a nose ring. In India, both married and unmarried women are seen to wear a nose ring or stud. However, the significance varies in every region. Nose piercing and wearing nose rings have been mentioned in some of the oldest Vedic scripts and manuscripts that date back to more than 6000 years ago.

In some cultures of Indian, wearing nose rings has been a symbol of being married. Females used to get their nose pierced at the time of marriage to honor Goddess Parvathi. In western culture, nose rings were initially worked by the hippies who traveled to Indian during the early years of 1970. The hippies were fascinated by the ritual of earring in India and adopted it. The nose rings can be worn on either the left or right side of the nose. Some nose pin designs can even be worn on both sides.

Scientific benefits of earrings:

 Apart from beliefs and aesthetes, there are several hidden scientific reasons to wear earrings as we have discussed here.

  • Controls emotions– The nose is a sense organ that helps you to breathe and smell various odors. Apart from that, this organ controls several feelings and emotions such as sexual feelings, passion, and romance. People believe those women who wear nose pins are emotionally strong. These women cannot be easily mesmerized or hypnotized. That is the reason people get their girl child’s nose pierced at a tender age. It helps them to be strong from inside and carry a dynamic personality.
  • Strengthens the ovary– When nostrils are pierced, it strengthens the ovaries. This helps to bring a positive change in the sexuality of the woman, which builds favorable conditions for childbirth inside her body. That is the reason, why many customs insist on piercing the nostrils and wearing a nose ring just before the girl reaches the age of getting married. The point of the nose where the piercing happens is the point of acupressure and is directly related to delivery. When the nose is pierced, women feel less pain during delivery will minimal or no complications. 
  • Relives the heat from the body– The Vegas nerve is one of the cranial nerves that extends from the brain stem helps to expel carbon dioxide and other unnecessary gases from the body. Carbon dioxide has a higher temperature than the outside atmosphere, hence the expelling of carbon dioxide is crucial. When women have a nose ring pierced on their nose, the expelling process becomes faster and the body cools down soon. Thus, nose pins help to keep the woman cool even when they are working hard under the sun.

Occultists have a belief that the nose is the main seat of the sixth sense and the focal point that transmits brain waves. Wearing nose rings have positive effects on the person. You can pick any locket design and nose pin designs on the online jewelry stores.


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