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4 Emojis To Use When You’re Flirting With Someone Online

Flirting online can be a walk in the park if you know the right emojis to use. We are living in a world where the Internet has provided us with the tools to get to know someone without really going out with them. Among the many benefits that we enjoy from the presence of the Internet is communication. Social media certainly have been a great medium to connect with new people. Here are some emojis anyone can use for flirting online.

Drool emoji

What’s more overt than a pictograph of a face with drool on it to use for a thirst trap post or a story? The drool emoji is perfect as a starter emoji to open up a communication line with one person, without the other end mistaking what you want from them. It could read desperate at a point, sure, but who doesn’t like a random stranger complimenting their thirst trap?

And although you shouldn’t be creepy with it, using the drooling emoji on people you know can be more effective! When you already have established some sort of connection with the person from the other end, they’d view your drooling emoji comment, response, and reply to be more meaningful! Be careful with using it, though, as it is quite a provocative emoji. Learn to assess the situation first if you can use it or not! A good rule of thumb is that “when in doubt, don’t.”

Eye emoji

The eye emoji is a favorite among slick talkers because it’s simple and yet very efficient in telling the other person you are noticing them. The two eyeballs that represent the eyes can mean so many things, like “I see you,” “I see what you’re doing,” to more personal and flirty meanings like “I’m liking what I see,” “My eyes are definitely on you.”

Use this emoji to start a conversation with your crush or someone that you have been avidly following on social media. A simple eye emoji as a reply to their latest story will invite them to start a conversation. From there, make a great first impression, and you’ll be on your way to having a meaningful connection with them! 

Heart emoji

Ah. The heart emoji. One of the most basic flirting emojis. You can use the heart emoji on almost anything! It serves as a boilerplate emoji, and if you don’t have anything creative to say, send or comment a heart emoji, and you’re good to go! The heart emoji equates to feelings of adoration and the feeling of being supported.


You have a lot of options when it comes to what kind of heart emoji to use. The red heart is a classic, the blue one is for tranquility, the pink one is for budding love, and the yellow one is for everything else! If you are part of the LGBTQ+ family, you can even send a row of rainbow hearts to a person who just came out and who you’ve been wanting to talk to for a long time!

Fire emoji

You’ve seen how much the fire emoji has been used around social media on a thirst trap or a remotely controversial post, so don’t be the person that throws it around just because. The fire emoji is an effective emoji for flirting if you know exactly when and where to use it. A thirst trap? Yeah, that’s fine. But not if the other comments have been fire emojis as well.

You can use the fire emoji to let the other person know that you are hot and bothered with what they’ve posted. Slide into their DM’s to have more chances of being replied to! Don’t be conservative when using this emoji either, because you can certainly flood someone’s post with it in the comments section!


Flirting is a skill. While it’s fine to use emojis, being able to connect with the person properly through written communication is paramount to them knowing your intentions without miscommunication barging in!

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