The RBI conducts an online written exam every year for recruiting assistants in multiple branches of the organization. This exam is popularly known as the RBI assistant examination. Candidates who are done with graduation are eligible for this exam. The RBI examination is a highly reputable exam followed by the Officer Grade B examination in the nation.
In the past years, we have seen a hike in the competition level in the banking sector. Therefore, it’s necessary to make a sustainable plan to crack the exam. So in this article, we will be discussing some interesting information that will help you to prepare well for the RBI Assistant Exam.
But first, let us know the selection procedure and exam paper pattern for better understanding.
The Selection Procedure of The RBI Assistant Examination
The selection method of the exam is simple. The entire procedure is divided into two phases. The first phase includes written exams conducted at the national level that is Pre and Mains. The second phase is a language proficiency test. This exam is conducted once a year. To qualify for the exam, candidates have to get minimum cut-off scores both in the individual sections and in the overall exam paper as per the RBI marking scheme.
The RBI Assistant Exam Paper Pattern
The RBI Assistant Pre exam is of 100 marks whereas, the Mains exam carries 200 marks. The time duration for completing the Pre exam is one hour, while candidates are required to finish the Mains part in 2 hours 15 minutes.
1. The Pre part consists of three sections that are English Proficiency Test (30 marks), Quantitative Aptitude (35 marks) and Logical Reasoning (35 marks).
2. The candidate will be given one mark on each question. There will be 40 questions in every section. These sections are characterized as Computer knowledge, English language, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness.
3. The candidates should note that there is negative marking too. For each incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be reduced from the overall score. Therefore, students must understand each section clearly and plan strategies accordingly.
Key Tips to Consider For The Overall Exam
Every year the RBI releases 500+ vacancies for recruiting assistants all over the country. These vacancies are distributed state-wise. As the difficulty level of the exam is low, the cut-off goes high in each state. Therefore, to enhance your overall score, you can follow the given tips.
1. Study the syllabus regularly. Read newspapers to keep yourself updated.
2. Study one topic at a time. Don’t merge all topics during the preparation as this can cause confusion.
3. Revise topics if you have completed the syllabus. During revision, try to overcome your weaknesses.
4. Practise the RBI Assistant prelims free mock test papers to have an overview of the exam.
5. As the level of the examination is easy, you must try to fetch more marks in sections like reasoning, quantitative aptitude and computer awareness.
6. You must concentrate on accuracy when you are attempting GK and English sections.
7. To boost your final scores, try to do 180+ questions with 100% accuracy.
8. You can solve those sections first that seem easy to you. For instance, you can begin with computer knowledge or reasoning and end up with quantitative aptitude. This way you can save time to do those questions that are tough for you or maybe time-consuming.
Section-Wise Tips
For Reasoning Section
This section is important from the examination point of view. The reasoning section is useful due to the pattern of the questions asked in the exam. Aspirants must focus on this section as it is the most scoring part of the question paper. Reasoning covers topics like decoding and coding, number series, statement and conclusion, seating arrangement, Venn diagram, etc. You can complete this section in less time and can use your saved time in doing time-consuming questions. The section determines the ranking and marks of the candidates. Hence, you must score good marks in this portion to make your spot on the merit list.
For The English Language
The other section that requires the candidate’s attention is the English Language in the exam paper. Here are the key features of this section.
1. The English Language section includes topics- comprehension, errors, cloze test, phrases and idioms, fill-ups, sentence rearrangement, etc.
2. In this section, the comprehension part is time-consuming, so the candidates have to manage their time to read the entire passage and provide answers to the given questions.
3. Many candidates are unable to score well in this section. But, they can get good marks from questions related to sentence rearrangement and fill in the blanks.
4. Candidates must prepare this section thoroughly to improve their overall scores.
For Quantitative Aptitude
The portion determines the final rank of the candidates in the merit list. Candidates need to complete other sections in a short time as this section is the toughest in the question paper and requires more time.
You shouldn’t waste time on a single question. If you’re unable to solve it, then move to the next one. Also, focus on problems related to profit and loss, percentage, average, etc. Candidates should make a strategy on how many questions they are going to attempt as it’s impossible to complete all 40 questions in a particular time.
For General Knowledge
This is a scoring section for those candidates who are aware of the latest happenings around the globe. Here are some of its characteristics.
1. The section includes questions based on current affairs. An aspirant should study current affairs related to the finance and banking sector, news regarding RBI, international and national news, current science, important dates, science and technology, culture, sports.
2. To improve your general knowledge, keep yourself up-to-date with magazines, newspapers, etc.
3. During the exam, you should do those questions only on which you are confident.
For Computer Knowledge
To prepare for this section, you have to read chapters based on the basics of computers, computer generations, output and input devices, shortcut keys, Microsoft applications, computer abbreviations, Modem, LAN, Internet, etc. You can easily score decent marks in this section as the syllabus for it is simple and can be covered in a short duration. You must try to attempt all questions correctly as their level is easy.
If you follow the above-mentioned tips rigorously then you’ll be able to crack the RBI Assistant exam like a pro. Best of luck!